Poster proposal reception is currently open. Approval will be given 1 month after submission. Deadline for poster proposals: 31st of January 2023
The poster sessions offer a more intimate forum for discussion among participants. Posters will be kept at their assigned location during the entire meeting so they can generate discussions throughout. The abstract should include title, authors and affiliations and it should not be over 350 words.
Printed posters should be A0 size, portrait orientation.
A0 size (Height x Width): 1189 x 841 mm [46.8 x 33.1 in].
The organization is providing a poster template with the required characteristics that you may use. You can download it here
Posters should be on display at least during the full poster session on Thursday.
An effective poster balances figures and texts and is not a page-by-page printout of a journal paper or a slide show.
Title: Indicate your abstract title, author(s), and affiliation(s). Use lettering at least 2.5 cm high.
Illustrations: Design figures for viewing from a distance and use clear, visible graphics and large type. Colors are effective if used sparingly; use dark colors on white or pale backgrounds and light colors on dark backgrounds.
Text: Each figure or table should have a legend providing essential information. Minimize narrative. Use large type in short, separated paragraphs. Numbered or bulleted lists are effective ways to convey a series of points. Do not set entire paragraphs in uppercase (all capitals) or boldface type.